Cognitive Governance flips governance and risk management on its head. What you know about risk is wrong! Managing risks is about human behavior and decision-making and you have been doing it wrong.
We have developed a CogRisk framework to correct the misperceptions about internal controls over financial reporting.
Cognitive Risk or Decision Science is the only science-based risk framework for enterprise risk management. I am not a psychologists but psychologists did not invent risk management frameworks. Likewise, COSO ERM and ISO 31000 were not developed by scientists.
We developed a cognitive risk framework for cybersecurity and ERM because in my research it became clear that a vast majority of risks result from human behavior, decision-making and a failure by standards organizations to fully account for the risk of the human element. The most vivid and recent example of how poorly humans understand risk is the COVID-19 pandemic.
Human behavior is the weakest link in risk management and cybersecurity!
Culture, Fraud, Governance, and Tone at the Top are all symptoms of cognitive risks. While much has been written about these topics current risk frameworks lack a formula that can be applied in systemic ways..... that is until now.
"I will endeavor to build on this research and work to enhance the cognitive risk framework." Founder - James Bone, author "Cognitive Hack: The New Battleground in Cybersecurity....the Human Mind"
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